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Transparent Body--new rates

for a few months my rates will be based on a sliding $60.00-$120.00 for a one and half hour session in office
( downtown Portland, Oregon at or long distance. Contact me at

Enjoy the tour of my traveling store

give for the whole

come on over to seventhwave

and get a blast of energy to meet the heat of this summer. Wow how i love the sun glowing glass fire in the sky.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i am having tea and eating sweets with fay

Saturday, March 22, 2008

dancing with honey bees

From my Qassia site: I started dancing with honey bees a few years ago for a photoshoot about the greed of the singular verses the shared hive mind of the colony. It was one of the most amazing experience of my life. First it felt like being in the apex of a tornado and as they landed on me, the bottom layer of bees pinched my skin to stay on. And then in slow motion they grew into a blouse of bees. A moving blouse. I was entranced, held almost in levitation. I have danced with two hives each containing 12,000 bees. I dance with them for about 2 hours plus at a time. The power of their wings becomes part of the partnership of the dance. One side pushes the body while the other side of the body resists. It is a beautiful wave. Please visit my zazzle site for my 2007 Bee Dance Performance merchandise. I am hoping to dance with the bees in Portland OR and Mexico soon—I am scouting out venues. I have been doing healing work for 17 years. I now call myself a Energy Realignment Specialist. Dancing with the bees has opened me to more information for my healing practice, art, and dance. This experience of dance has imbedded the knowledge of the similar cooperative aspect of our cells and molecules. I am offering art "objects" on line to help support and continue this work with bees.* -merchandise includes: 2008 calendars, tea cups, clothing, stickers & dance bags. The latest dance was filmed Sept. 2007 for Taggart Siegel's new film on the plight of the honeybee. Taggart also filmed and directed "The real dirt on farmer John. It’s a great film---go check it out!

Transparent Body: Energy Realignment By Sara Mapelli at Seventh Wave

http// I have a new & beautiful space to do energy work in. I am now offering hour and half sessions on Wednesdays. We are located downtown Portland OR and have seven practitoners: Sara Mapelli: Transparent Body: Energy Realignment Specialist. Dara Heath: LMT
Bamboo Yin: Swedish and Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork. Sonja Pearson: Specializing in Barefoot Massage Modalities,Maya Abdominal Massage, yoga therapeutics. Aurora Erlander: Flourish Center: Channeled Sessions, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

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