check out my reveiws on yelp

Transparent Body--new rates

for a few months my rates will be based on a sliding $60.00-$120.00 for a one and half hour session in office
( downtown Portland, Oregon at or long distance. Contact me at

Enjoy the tour of my traveling store

give for the whole

come on over to seventhwave

and get a blast of energy to meet the heat of this summer. Wow how i love the sun glowing glass fire in the sky.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

new artwork

My new series is called "I am nobody's dog but my own" it a series of drawings/paintings/ photos and self- portraits of myself distorted as a blindfolded dog. This is inspired by the blindness of loyalty, and the misdirected scent of human curiousness and trust. Here is one of my first drawings soon to be added into my under my product line Animal twitches and tails.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

check out the buzzzzzzzzzzz

hey check out my gallery site I am really excited about it. Soon I'll be putting up some new products.

Transparent Body: Energy Realignment By Sara Mapelli at Seventh Wave

http// I have a new & beautiful space to do energy work in. I am now offering hour and half sessions on Wednesdays. We are located downtown Portland OR and have seven practitoners: Sara Mapelli: Transparent Body: Energy Realignment Specialist. Dara Heath: LMT
Bamboo Yin: Swedish and Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork. Sonja Pearson: Specializing in Barefoot Massage Modalities,Maya Abdominal Massage, yoga therapeutics. Aurora Erlander: Flourish Center: Channeled Sessions, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

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